Getting those bills in the mail is not much fun – especially the credit card bills. But what if, every time you got a bill, you also were informed about how much money your purchases had earned – wouldn’t that make it more interesting? That is exactly what credit card rebates does for you. Many credit card companies are now offering rebate credit cards, giving you a percentage back. We have offered a description of what to look for in your new rebate credit card and how to get yours, quickly and easily.
Compare The Interest
Getting credit card rebates sounds like a really good idea – and it is. A few years ago – about 15, or so, there was a standard fee that everyone had to pay if they owned a credit card. Only more recently did the credit card companies begin to vary from this pattern of standardization -apparently the competition demanded new ideas. Now just about all of them have some kind of unique way to get people to sign onto their card.
A rebate credit card is really only better for you if you are in the habit of paying it off each month, when your bill comes in. This kind of card is normally a little higher in...