When you are being encouraged to use the credit cards for transactions of all kinds that you do, it is but natural that the credit card issuing banks would also be eager to provide world class credit card services as well. Still there are apprehensions in some quarters about the secured environment that the credit card issuers provide, and this forms the first issue associated with the credit card services. Security is an area of concern, as this is what deters the user to go online or even to use the card services otherwise. The inhibition for a client to use the credit cards is the status of dilemma arising on account of the magnitude of card related frauds that keep on happening at different places all the times. To obviate this dilemma credit card companies are coming up with various kinds of credit card services. The whole gamut of services is to ensure that the credit card user is encouraged to use the card without any doubt in his mind.
There are quite a lot of different ways in which the credit card services are extended. One of them is the Authorized payment gateway through which a payment is done on the Internet. The authorized gateway is the fulcrum of the...