The credit cards system is spread all over the world. This is now the most popular way to purchase goods and pay bills or taxes. Yet at the same time, this system is also very vulnerable. When a credit card is stolen or lost, unauthorized persons can use its number illegally, and a great amount of money will be lost. There are some precaution measures to be taken to make the transactions more secure, such as the one time single use numbers.
But the credit card’s advantages are so important that their use become almost universal. One of the major advantages is called buy now, pay later. This opportunity is allowing people to use the grace period to purchase goods and pay much later. The incentives are another major advantage. Credit cards issuers are offering loyalty schemes, attractive point reward systems and air miles. The credit card owner can make excellent savings using its credit card often and always paying off the balance when he has a good reward scheme. Incentives are often changing, and the new reward systems are more and more attractive.
No cash needed is, maybe, the main credit card advantage. The cardholder is carrying only a small plastic card...