Credit Cards For Anybody?
Credit Cards are widespread all over the US as well as worldwide and are accepted Internationally as a very convenient mean of payment either in person at stores, via the phone and the Internet or on signed forms via the fax.
Does anybody can obtain this much quested plastic money?
Well, to answer that we would have to understand how this credit screening and rating system work and what are the qualifications to be approved.
Credit History
There are three major credit bureaus that keep track of our bill-paying habits and credit history reports that are collected, stored and sold by credit bureaus.
Credit reports are also called credit records, credit files, and credit histories.
There are three major credit bureaus and thousands of smaller ones.
Experian Credit Bureau (formerly TRW): –
Tel: 800-301-7195 (Cost: $8)
Equifax Credit Bureau: –
Trans Union: –
Tel: 800-916-8800
Federal law was passed in 1970 to give consumers easier access to, and...