If you currently attend a college or university, you probably have noticed credit card companies that will attend your campus handing out free items such as t-shirts, mugs, etc. What makes these set-ups so popular is that most college students love free things and will sign up for just about anything for a free item they will never use.
What students dont realize is that they are most likely signing up for their first credit card. When signing up for your first credit card, its important that you research what youre getting yourself into. Even though a credit card requires no money to sign up, it can cause you a world of hurt in the future if you dont use them properly.
Like any purchase you make in your life, it always involves comparison shopping. It shouldnt make a difference with credit cards. Every credit card is unique in a way ranging from its interest rate to reward points. This is something you should really research before signing your name on the dot for a t-shirt thats too large.
Now were not saying that the companies setting up these kiosks at your school are bad, in fact they are usually from major companies such as VISA and...