The simple fact of life today is that in many situations credit cards are vital. It is extremely difficult to rent a car for instance if you do not have access to a credit card in your own name. Also, shopping on line is not very easy at all if you do not have a credit card. While many websites will accept debit cards, if you are trying to book a hotel abroad or buy from any website based abroad, it can be next to impossible to find a payment method other than credit card. This is why more and more people are seeking to get credit cards, even when they have poor credit histories.
Guaranteed Acceptance Credit Cards
There are now a number of credit cards available that do not rely on a good credit history. The lenders are willing to provide these cards to absolutely everyone no matter what their credit rating may show. This is very good news for people who have bad credit ratings but still need access to a credit card. There are some important differences between these credit cards and regular cards however, so it is a good idea to be aware of the features that are different.
Whats the Catch?
The most obvious feature that people come across, and one...