Having a bad credit history will make it more difficult for you to get another card, but not necessarily prevent you from getting one. This is because many banks, if they feel that an individual with a bad credit history has good intentions to pay bills, will offer bad credit credit cards to re-establish a good credit rating.
Credit cards for bad credit fall under two catogeries Secured and Unsecured credit card for bad credit.
With secured credit cards for bad credit, you will be required by the bank to deposit a certain amount of money that may range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, into your savings account as security for your line of credit. Your credit line is a percentage of your deposit, somewhere between 50 to 100 percent. The bank will then issue you a card with a spending limit equal to your credit line, which will serve as collateral for use of the credit card for bad credit. The money in the savings account, or the collateral, will be used to pay the balance if you fail to pay your credit balance. It is also probable that youll be paid interest for your deposit but you may also have to pay application and processing fees.
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