Credit cards for college students can prove vital, especially when it comes to financial emergencies. Parents arent always around to bail out their children and by offering students a credit card it is possible to not only provide them with security for these emergencies but also teach them about the sensible use of credit cards and credit accounts in general. On the positive side, student credit card limits are usually set quite low making it difficult to run up masses of debt on one individual card but it is still possible without careful management.
Why Students Need Credit Cards
Student credit cards are only financially crippling when they are used incorrectly. In the case of students, running up bills on numerous student credit cards can mean repaying the debt over the next ten years and possibly even longer. However, as well as being ideal for use in emergencies they also offer the opportunity to build a credit history, without which it is virtually impossible to get a mortgage or other lines of credit.
A Single Application For A Single Card
As a student, the most important aspect of managing your credit is not getting carried away. This should...