There are some people who apply for credit cards and have them for maybe a year and they have never used them. They pay the monthly fees that are required if there are any. These people simply have the credit card with obviously extended ability to use it and they know they could use it if they wanted to. Many have unsecured credit cards to top it all off.
So, why dont these people use their credit cards? Is it out of fear, or are they so used to using cash it just never crosses their mind to use the credit card in the first place?
It could be that way however believe it or not, thats not exactly true. A lot of people who have been approved for an unsecured credit card only use the credit card for emergency purposes. This way they know they have the means to do whatever it is that is so important and they just dont have the cash funding to get the task accomplished.
This is such a good idea, and those who are in control of their spending habits are able to do this. Its as if they put the credit card in their purse or wallet and forget or pretend they dont really have it.
Although you have to admit there are several people who once they have that...