Credit card vendors have always been trying to get more customers. There is such great competition in the credit card markets that these companies are left with no choice. There seem to be too many credit card providers, each of whom is offering scores of terrific credit card offers. Too much competition among the vendors results in the customer becoming the king. Thus, we have a wide variety of credit cards that offer us various kinds of incentives. There are cash back credit cards. There are cards that offer us zero percent balance transfer. There are cards that give us a period of zero interest. And now, we even have credit cards to cater to various hobbies and activities.
Yes, you got that right. Credit cards are now appealing to people’s likes and dislikes in their bid to win over more clients. Credit cards that are sports-related have become quite the rage. For instance, the Bank of America will be bringing out team-branded cards to add to the celebrations in this year’s National Football League season. Given the craze that football has, this is not just a gimmick. The Bank of America has made a smart move by teaming up with the NFL, and it is hoping to...