Credit cards always seem like a good idea at first. Even if you’ve been burned in the past, when money gets tight, the shiny plastic rectangles seem like the perfect quick fix for any situation. Whether it’s over-the-top finance charges, unheard of rates, or identity theft, there are a number of ways for that quick fix to turn into a long nightmare.
I, for example, decided very quickly into my college career, that I was not going to get caught in a credit card three ring circus. It was trouble, and the kind I didn’t want to get into. However, when my friend invited me to visit her in Europe over my winter break, I didn’t see any other solution besides giving into to one of the several credit card offers I had received upon reaching my eighteenth birthday.
Armed with a six hundred dollar credit limit about two hundred dollars in Christmas money, and a round trip ticket to Amsterdam, I set off for two weeks of fun-filled adventure. In retrospect, eleven hundred dollars total is a great price for an all-inclusive two weeks stay including Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels and Dublin. That is, until eleven hundred turns into seventeen hundred, and you...