When it comes to credit cards, far more risk can be out there other than debt you are not able to afford or an accumulation of expenses that you were not fully aware of prior to entering into the contract. With credit cards, risks exist that are entirely out of the hands of consumers, and these risks can be reduced by prudent and careful actions. But, what can you do with your credit card to ensure that you are far less likely to be a statistic, and far more likely to be a happy credit card user, with no problems, and less concerns.
Take Care of your credit card to ensure that you know where it is at all time, whilst making sure that you dont leave it unattended.
Have multiple cards? If you have multiple cards then issuers will sometimes allow you to register all these together, meaning that you can cancel your cards with only one telephone call. This will mean less chance of fraud, through giving a thief less time.
Lost your purse or wallet? If you have lost your purse or wallet you literally have no time to spare. Get on the phone to your credit card company immediately even if you are unsure if your card has been lost through theft or you merely...