Credit Cards: Why You Should Pay More Than The Minimum
In today’s world of online shopping and bill servicing, credit cards have become almost an essential part of our everyday lives. No one would argue that they don’t make life easier, but it’s also true that they have a dark side in that it’s all to easy to build up debt.
Of course, it’s simple to advise against getting into debt by overspending with your card, but that advice is perhaps a little hollow for people who have already built up a balance. If you’re lucky, that balance is not yet too much of a problem, but one almost guaranteed way of setting your debt on the slippery slope is to continue spending with your card while only making the minimum monthly repayment required by your card issuer.
Each month when you receive your statement, the minimum amount you have to pay will be clearly shown, and many people choose to have this amount repaid automatically through their banks. This makes it easy to keep your account up to date, and gives the illusion that you’re keeping on top of your card balance.
The problem lies in the size of the repayment...