Credit cards are such a convenience these days, and just about everybody knows it. This means that people want them and often want them in a real hurry. Credit card companies know this, too, and often present credit card “deals” that really are not deals at all. Certainly you have probably received applications in the mail and seen various offers for credit cards on the Internet. Here are some things that you need to watch out for in some of these offers.
The Length Of The Introductory Offer
Since many people get a credit card based on the sound of the introductory offer, it is a good idea if you take some time to think about it. Determine both what it is saying and what it is not saying. For instance, notice how long the introductory offer is good for. In some cases, this offer is only good for three or six months – hardly enough time to get the card broken in. In other words, while you want the 0% APR interest, they are only teasing you with a carrot. They give it, but it is something you really can’t benefit from. In comparison, some credit card companies will give you up to 12 to 15 months to enjoy it.
Fees May Apply