Credit ratings or credit score are the records of a person’s spending pattern regarding credit cards and the repayment modes. Financial institutions, especially the credit card companies and the moneylenders, keep track of the credit statements of clients, their payment records and any delay/inability of repayment and the interests being paid due to late repayment of the credit.
Ways To Boost Your Credit Rating
Credit card being a source of the ratings, it becomes necessary not only to use your credit card regularly, but also using it diligently. Once you have chosen the right kind of credit card with a suitable limit and interest rates, you need to start using your credit card for small and regular transaction, which you can repay easily at the end of the month. Regular transaction is important, because every transaction shows upon your credit report. You need to have less, probably one account only because as it qualifies you for a bonus while availing the credit or financing your home or car.
Using your credit card once a year or foregoing subsequent repayment and settling the balance at the end of the year might not stand you in good light in...