Negative remarks on your credit report can cost serious money. You do not have to despair though, since it is never too late to become credit worthy again. However, always remember that credit repair do not happen overnight. It requires serious dedication and perseverance to start in a clean slate once more.
How to Get Started
You should know what the three credit bureaus are and what they are saying about you. Since creditors do not have to report to Equifax, TransUnion and Experian all together, they generally only report to one or some to which they are subscribed to. This only means that each report from each bureau is slightly different from one another.
The first thing you need to do is to order your credit report. Remember to order it from each bureau because you would only waste time and money if you only order a credit report from one bureau. The cost of the credit report might vary from state to state though it is estimated that the cost of your credit report is around $9.
However, you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report from the agency if you have been denied of employment or credit due to your credit report. You can ask the...