Like many other things in life, budgeting is a skill. Some people are better then others at managing their income and keeping in good standing in regards to their debts. Almost all of us have some sort of debt at any given time: a credit card bill, and outstanding loan, or a mortgage. By managing these debts properly, you will maintain a good credit rating which will allow you to continue to receive credit in the future. If you fail to make timely payments towards your loans – or worse, you let them go in default – you will find yourself stuck with a poor credit rating, which will rob you of many economic opportunities. In order engage in credit repair, you must slowly build your credit rating back up again. One thing that can help you do this is to seek the help of a credit counselor.
In general, credit counseling is performed by non-profit agencies, and is not to be confused with for-profit credit repair companies. The latter should be avoided. Credit repair companies have a reputation for being scams, especially those ones who advertise online. Even if it doesn’t turn out to be a scam, it’s likely that a credit repair company will do nothing...