Introduction – Description
Crohns Disease is a disease of the gut. It was named after Dr. Crohn in the 1930s after he first described the disease. It can affect any part in one or more places although it affects the ileum (the final section of the gut) in around half of all cases.
It affects approximately 1 in 1500 people, affecting slightly more women than men with the age group predominantly affected by Crohns Disease being more affected.
Crohns Disease is also a chronic disease which means that it is persistent. Once you have it, you will always have it. The symptoms may vary over time in their severity.
What Causes Crohns Disease
It is now known exactly causes Crohns Disease. There appears to be enough evidence that it could possibly be inherited as about 1 in 10 sufferers have a relative who has also suffered from this condition. The evidence isnt absolute, but of certain degree to be significant.
It is possible that some people may be genetically predisposed to suffer from Crohns Disease although it needs some kind of germ to trigger it. The theory is that the germ triggers the immune system to cause...