Here are some cross stitch tips that will help you a lot with your cross stitch projects.
Always start stitching from the center of your fabric. To find the center on your fabric, fold the fabric in half twice. The center will be at the intersection of the two folds.
Finding the center of your chart by following the two arrows. One arrow will be in the top center and the other one in the middle left side of your chart. Follow these two arrows. Where they meet is your center stitch.
Put tissue paper in your hoop with your fabric then tear away the center where you are stitching. This will keep oils from getting onto your fabric and help your hands from being moist.
Use different qualities of fabric. Try cheaper fabric for quick designs, saving money so that you can splash out on the best fabric for heirloom projects.
You will want to allow 3 to 4 inches of fabric on each side of the design. This will help you framing your project easily.
When stitching with 2 threads use only one strand of floss, put the ends together and thread them through the needle leaving a loop on one end....