A short term bridge loan may be just what the doctor ordered if you are having trouble making ends meet. A short term bridge loan helps you to bridge the gap between your expenses and income. A bridge loan is not a long term solution, but it is an excellent short term solution to your money problems. If for some reason your income has been eclipsed by your expenses, you may need to borrow money to pay for those additional expenses until you get paid again.
It happens. For example, maybe a once-a-year payment has come due that you have simply not had the money to save up for it. House insurance, property taxes, or annual life insurance are all examples of when this can happen. Unfortunately, paying those things is not optional especially if you want the service! Or maybe it is simply a mistake in your monthly budgeting and you find yourself short of cash one month. This happens to people during the Christmas season. Or maybe there was a once in a lifetime opportunity you couldnt pass up but now youre paying for it! No need to worry about it! Theres a solution.
Instead of defaulting on your expenses, you can now pay them with a short term bridge loan, then pay back...