CSI follows the lives of several employees working the nightshift of the Las Vegas Police Departments Crime Scene Investigation unit led by the quirky and methodic Gil Grissom (William Petersen), a dedicated workaholic. The crime lab team is composed of numerous technicians from different backgrounds single mother Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger) specializes in blood analysis, while the highly ambitious Nick Stokes (George Eads) tackles fiber and hair analysis. Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan), a recovering gambling addict, focuses on audio/visual analysis, while the charismatic Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) handles in element and materials analysis. Throw in a hardened homicide captain named Jim Brass (Paul Guifoyle), and a handful of other headstrong colleagues, and CSI has all the ingredients necessary for a top-rated program that thrives on drama, suspense, and tension
The C.S.I. (Season 3) DVD features a number of dramatic episodes including the season premiere Revenge is Best Served Cold in which Catherine and Nick investigate an underground street racing league when one of the contestants is found dead at an abandoned airstrip just outside of town. Meanwhile, Grissom...