Summary: In an online environment it is not possible to have customers bring items to your store. You cannot deal with customer service issues face to face so dealing with the issues in a positive manner for consumers can go along way in supporting the notion that online purchases can be a positive option in managing your purchases from the convenience of your computer.
Welcome to *Tinas Twisted Tins, how can we help you.
Yes, I ordered
If youd like to speak to our sales department press one. If youd like to talk to our technical department press two. If youd like to talk to a customer service representative press three. If youd like to talk to Tina, I dont really have to tell you, thats not happening.
Button three is pushed.
If you would like to speak with someone in Spanish press one. If youd like to speak to someone in Pig Latin press two. If youd like to speak to someone in English press three.
Button three is pushed once more.
Thank you for your call, all available operators are busy right now. Estimated wait time is (pause) 42 minutes. This time frame is subject to change and will not likely be in your favor. We appreciate...