Weve all heard stories of motorists who come across a gas station in the middle of nowhere. These gas stations have very few convenience items and charge a great deal for both their fuel as well foodstuffs they may have available.
When viewing movies these locations have absolutely no other buildings around them and typically feature two gentlemen tipping back in a chair watching sparse traffic come and go.
When we view this scenario on television these individuals seem to take pleasure in the discomfort their customers express in having to pay outrageous prices for items they may need.
This scenario is simply a highly identifiable picture of the law of supply and demand. Demand is high and supplies are low so the prevailing attitude is one of take it or leave it.
Two things can happen in a situation where demand is high.
1. The price will be higher than you may believe the product to be worth.
2. Customer service may be less friendly than you expect.
The reason some businesses may have felt they could act this way is simply because their customers had no reasonable choice but to do business with them. When small towns only had...