The day before Yom Kippur, known as Erev Yom Kippur, is considered by all who celebrate it to be a quasi-festival day. As a festival, there are many traditions and customs which Jews practice. These customs are:
To seek forgiveness and atone for any sins that they have committed against another.
a. Visit or call family, friends, and any other they may have wronged to ask for forgiveness. Gossip about another would be something forgiveness would be asked for.
b. Return stolen items.
To give increased charity. Jews believe that increasing their charity will help to repeal evil decrees against them.
Feasts are common on this day before fasting.
The Kaparot ceremony, which is a very old and mystical custom. It was designed to make those participating feel that their lives are at stake. The symbolism of the ceremony includes sins crying out for atonement, good deeds being remembered, and charity and repentance saving all from sins. In its previous forms, a white chicken was used in the ceremony, but most communities today have substituted a white cloth for the foul.
On this day before the holiday, a ritual bath is normally taken....