JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 29, 2006 — American Homes use up about 1/3 of the countrys energy supply, polluting the environment and running up our expenses. However, if we cut our energy consumption by just 10 percent, we could not build 27 new power plants a year, according to Jodi Beebe, energy analyst for the Utility Consumers Action Network, a nonprofit group in San Diego.
With the summer heat pounding down on us and the suns rays scorching us, what do we do? Crank up the air conditioner? Move to Alaska? Burn up the earths resources to stay cool? Of course, we all want to be comfortable, but isnt there another way besides the air conditioner?
Fortunately for us, the Australians have the same problem, but more of it. Australia is famous for its extreme weather, with searing heat during the day, while at night temperatures can plunge below zero. A large company in Australia Gale Pacific has developed a novel type of window shade designed to be mounted to the exterior of your home, where it will help keep the suns rays and heat out of your home during the sunny months.
Exterior window shades are made in several different sizes, and can be easily...