Danger Equals A Water Powered Parachutes Jump In An Extreme Situation
A water powered parachute jump is primarily executed in emergency situations only. During this jump, the jumper prepares as he might for any other jump. The real difference between this jump and another is that he lands in the water. Water parachute jumping isn’t really something for members of the general public to engage in, as it offers extra dangers that traditional jumping does not. Water parachute jumping must take place in water of appropriate depths. Landing in water that is too shallow can cause spinal cord injuries and drowning. As a result, typically only emergency personnel and members of the armed services complete water parachute jumping.
In order to engage in a water parachute jump, a member of the military must demonstrate his or her swimming ability both in and out of the uniform. Because water parachute jump style emergencies will sometimes take place while crew members are wearing their full uniforms, members often practice in full uniform. Members must also go through training that teaches them how to get out from under the parachute once it has collapsed in the water....