Why settle for slow speed, high electricity costs and a technology invented a hundreds years ago if you can have the latest in data transmission at less the cost and many times the speed?
With the use of glass or plastic threads to transmit data the fiber optics is an upcoming technology. A bundle of glass threads capable of transmitting messages that are transformed into light waves is what makes the data fiber optics. Sharing a variety of technical details in the flowing article, I hope to make you have a better understanding of the subject of fiber optics. The functions will be demonstrated by explaining how the technology uses light energy to provide information and data to a variety of sources.
Engineering Science
Part of applied science consists of data fiber optics and the engineering behind it is comprised of the science and technology of transmitting data or energy. The basic fundamentals of fiber optics are defined through scientific processes and mathematical equations that fall closely under the realm of physics where you will find that the actual flow of the data can easily be put into observable and replicable systems. So even though most...