I’d like to introduce a concept called SHAPING.
Shaping includes a number of tools that are used to set a STRONG precedent of behavior in a woman.
Quick Question >>>
Have you ever been in a situation with a woman, and she talked about how she LOVED when her boyfriend did something very specific?
Do you remember feeling motivation to perhaps DO THE SAME EXACT THING?
Have you ever been with a woman, and she asked you if you were reliable, honest or had a good relationship with your family?
Do you remember feeling motivated to answer in a way to IMPRESS HER?
Of course… we’ve all been there.
What’s important however is not what the outcome was in those situations, but only to be AWARE of the fact that you were EMOTIONALLY COMPELLED to behave in a certain way…
Whether she knew it or not (most likely, she DIDN’T) she was SHAPING you.
Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing…
People do it to each other all the time.
But most of the time, you are encouraging a woman to behave in a way that is NOT aligned with your...