I recently touched on the topic of gambling by ex-athletes and came to the conclusion that, if controlled, gambling is not necessarily a problem. I truly believe the gambling that Charles Barkley and others do is pure entertainment and a way for ex-athletes to come back down to earth after retirement. I even went as far as to say that I would rather see Barkley gambling with a sportsbook than recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction. This article is not nearly as positive, and I am going to examine the other end of the spectrum. I am going to touch on the topic of when ex-athletes cant find a constructive medium, like sports betting, to shed their demons. Actually, I am going to look at one subject in particular. I am going to take a look at Darren Daulton.
I recently went through a rather rough time in my life. In March, I got out of a two-year relationship, which was almost immediately followed by a close relatives diagnosis with cancer. At that time I was also finishing my masters degree at the University of Florida. This might seem like a positive, except that all the friends that I had once relied on to be my support were getting ready to leave and had little...