Dawson’s Creek revolves around the lives of a handful of teenagers as they struggle through the awkward and volatile years of adolescence. Dawson Leery (James Van Der Beek) is the show’s main character, an introspective and optimistic dreamer who lives around the corner from his lifelong best friend Josephine “Joey” Potter (Katie Holmes). Joey is a tomboy still unaware of how beautifully she has developed into adulthood. The two are friends with Pacey Witter (Joshua Jackson), Jennifer “Jen” Lindley (Michelle Williams), Andrea “Andie” McPhee (Meredith Monroe), and Jack McPhee (Kerr Smith). Together, this clique forms the basis of a soap opera catered to the teenage audience, complete with high drama, suspense, ever-changing relationships, and comic relief. Known for its oftentimes intelligent subject matter, clever dialogue, and lack of fear in terms of tackling of controversial issues, Dawson’s Creek is one of the most successful shows in WB history
The Dawson’s Creek (Season 2) DVD features a number of dramatic episodes including the season premiere “The Kiss” in which Dawson and Joey express doubts...