What is the key cause for people to get addicted to pornography? Is it loneliness, or the want to be loved with passion? Does it begin with exploring, is it lust or is it the whetstone for a warped mind? Well different people have different views about watching too much of porn and strangely pornography is the largest on-line business with the most number of Internet searches going out to the porn industry.
Some people just think its time to pass, while on the other hand it is fun and exciting for some. And then there are those, who look for every opportunity to watch porn, whether in secrecy or in a blatantly unreserved manner.
Pornographic addiction can also be because of too much sex activities in ones life or the total lack of it. Pornography addiction is just like somebody craving to have a cigarette. Some people watch porn simply for the sake of watching; others do it to excite themselves. There are people addicted to pornography because they want to imitate every act in their own sexual lives and there are even those who do it because of depression.
Most of the people might not even know if they are addicted to it or not, because watching too much of...