For a brand new mommy, or even a seasoned one, dealing with a colicky baby can be overwhelming. The constant crying is heartbreaking and nerve wracking, and leaves you with a sense of helplessness. But dont lose heart; the only good thing I can tell you about colic is that its temporary. Here are a few ideas to keep you going.
First Be sure its really colic. If you havent had the little one checked out by a doctor, do so. Sometimes whats written off as colic is really a milk allergy or some other true gastric disorder, like acid reflux. If the baby is on formula, you should ask if making a change in brand might help.
Secondly, get help! If you have to deal with the colicky symptoms all by yourself every day, youre bound to go nuts. Swap off with your spouse, another family member or a friend. My daughter had colic for the two longest weeks of my life, and it began every evening around 5:00pm. My husband and I took turns making dinner and eating with our other children while the other took care of the baby. It kept each of us somewhat sane to have a normal evening every other night, plus our other children didnt feel so neglected.
Next, try some of those...