The rising gasoline prices has everyone concerned about the future. Of course, with gasoline being the fuel of the most common form of transportation today, who would not be? And since gasoline is still a major fuel used by most cars in the world, there is nothing that can be done except deal with the changes. People may not have that much of an influence in lowering the current gas prices especially with the great demand for gasoline elsewhere in the world. The most effective means would be making a collective effort of minimizing gasoline use as well as trying to get more out of every gallon of gas as possible.
The pricing of gasoline is a combination of a number of different factors. One of the most important parts is the price of crude oil in the market. You can say that crude oil is the primary raw material from where gasoline is being derived from. In fact gasoline is a major product of crude oil. That is why crude oil accounts for more than half of the price tag of gasoline in gas stations. If the price of crude oil goes up, the price of gasoline also goes up.
Another factor that affects gas prices is the refining costs. Different states require certain...