If you owe money to a debt collection agency or debt collector, you need to know what they can and cannot do in order to collect monies owed to them. You have an obligation to pay what you owe, and the debt collectors have an obligation to follow the law and not harass you at home or at work.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act applies to those who collect debts owed to creditors for personal, family and household debts. These include car loans, mortgages, charge accounts and money owed for medical bills. A debt collector is someone hired to collect money you owe.
Within five days after a debt collector first contacts you, the collector must send you a notice that tells you the name of the creditor, how much you owe, and what action to take if you believe you don’t owe the money.
If you owe the money or part of it, contact the creditor to arrange for payment.
If you believe you don’t owe the money, contact the creditor in writing and send a copy to the collection agency with a letter telling them not to contact you. A debt collector may not:
Contact you at unreasonable times, for example, before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.,...