Debt Consolidation – Can You Cut It?

| Total Words: 647

Debt consolidation is supposed to help you get free of debt. By combining a lot of smaller debts into one big loan you can pay the debt off with lower repayments. So how come a lot of people have the same debt load two years later?

Answer is, they treated the symptom, not the cause. Debt consolidation only works if you address the underlying problem, which is that you spend more than you earn. Once youve consolidated debt, it can be very difficult to do it again.

The way its supposed to work is that a loan pays off your debts, you sweep away all your past mistakes and extravagances, get a grip on your finances and vow to live within your means. This way you never againt have to face the consequences of any more mistakes and extravagances.

But maybe you had just cause for spending too much. Medical bills are the largest cause of bankruptcy in America. If you got sick or had a major accident youve got big bills to pay and this can devastate your finances. If this is you, face up to your debt situation before it gets out of control. Your hospital probably has someone on staff to help people in your situation. Find the person with a sympathetic ear and use...

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