Most people have taken out plenty of loans and other forms of credit, from various sources over the years. These could include student loans, credit cards, store cards, a bank overdraft, car loan, goods bought on a buy now pay later basis. All of these sources of credit will have different terms depending on who you borrowed from and how much. One important factor with all these loans is that they will all have different rates.
Rates and APR
The rate you repay your loans at is vitally important. Many people underestimate the influence the APR will have on how much they repay for a loan; the difference can be astounding. The bottom line is that you want your interest rates to be as low as possible.
If you have many different loans and they are all at different rates, and some of the rates are very high, you may consider debt consolidation. This is taking out a new loan that will provide you with enough cash to pay back all your other loans. Then the only loan you have to worry about is the new debt consolidation loan. The main advantage of this is that you may be able to borrow the consolidating loan at an interest rate substantially lower than what...