If you have bad credit and are unable to get a credit card this can be very hard on you and your family. If you havent paid your bills on time and have too much debt you may have bad credit. If you have very high debt on your credit cards and you are still using them just to pay the bills then you are also at risk of getting a negative credit rating. You need to put your credit cards away and you also need to figure out how to restore your credit score.
You can benefit from consolidating debt and credit counseling can help you get there. Once you find someone to help you with debt management you will be much better off. A debt consolidation company can help you put all your bills into one monthly payment, which will also make your life easier.
A good debt consolidation company will not only help you reduce your debt, but they will also help you to get the negative points taken off your credit score. If you want to get back to good credit than this is the way to go. So see how you can get a debt consolidation loan. You can also repair your bad credit by taking out a debt consolidation loan that covers all of your debt. You may thing that this is hard...