Chances are, if I asked anyone on the street if they were in debt, the answer would be yes. Milions of Americans fall further into debt every single day. What used to be the American Dream has now become the American Way. We see something, we want it, we buy it. No cash on hand? No problem, just use credit. Right? Wrong! Credit card debt is sweeping the country in very much the same way an illness or plague could. Infecting uneducated buyers and reducing their lives to a stressful, existence of trying to make ends meet. It is time to stop the infection. Now is the time to get some decent advice about consolidating debt.
Debt consolidation is not really an easy solution, but it is one with proven results. There is no waving of a magic wand to make the debt go away, instead it requires looking at the debt, recognizing the vastness of it, and actually creating a plan to pay it. The load is reduced as the payments are applied. Slowly and steadily the load gets smaller and smaller until eventually credit cards, student loans, and all the other consumer debts that you ran up without giving a second thought are removed from your shoulders where they have been...