Credit is essential these days. A person needs credit to be able to do almost everything, from buying a car to getting a utility turned on. Bad credit can be quite costly. That is why debt management is so important. Debt management is the way you acquire and handle your debt so that you can afford it.
The key to debt management is understanding your finances. You have to have a budget and you have to know what you can and can not afford. That may seem simple, but credit is actually designed to help you get what you can not afford and that is why many people end up with credit problems.
The whole idea of credit is to offer you a loan so you can buy something you would otherwise not be able to afford. You are borrowing money. The simplest way to avoid debt is to not borrow at all, but then you would not be building your credit, which, as mentioned is very important. You have to learn how to borrow responsibly.
You have to be smart about credit and debt. Part of good debt management is setting limits for yourself. Do not let your debt get out of control. You can use credit cards or get loans as long as you can afford them. Most people get some type of loan...