Consumer debt consolidation services provide debtors with counseling on financial and debt management as well as credit education. They seek to teach individuals how to better manage their money, live a debt-free life and avoid bankruptcy. Bankruptcy chapter seven and debt settlement are two methods to eliminate accumulated debt. You will reduce your overall debt and do so with a quick repayment. Contrary to debt settlement, though, in bankruptcy you appeal to the judge to oversee the liquidation of your assets to pay your creditors. Usually, the debtor is left with nothing other than any exempt property which leaves nothing available for the creditors. If you have been considering bankruptcy to settle your outstanding debt loans, you may want to consider debt reduction consolidation services instead. Such services can also help you avoid the embarrassment that comes along with filing bankruptcy. Set the goal of eliminating your unsecured debt and look into consumer credit counseling and similar services, including debt consolidation services. Be sure to choose the right company, though, by first educating yourself on how debt or credit consolidation agencies work.