Are your credit card payments more than you can afford to pay each month? If so, its not likely that youre able to afford to pay extra money toward each account, which would enable you to pay off your credit card debt at a much faster rate than if you simply pay the required minimum payments. If youre frustrated and feeling like youll be in debt forever its time to take a realistic approach to determine what path toward a debt-free lifestyle you should take.
Even before you start looking at your options, however, take a few moments to cut up your credit cards because those little pieces of plastic have done you absolutely no favors. As a matter of fact, theyve very likely led to numerous sleepless nights and constant worry due to significant financial concerns.
Now, if youre in serious financial trouble due to credit card debt, and youve considered bankruptcy, consumer credit counseling service, debt consolidation and debt settlement as possible solutions to help eliminate your debt, you may have decided that debt settlement sounds like your best option to become debt-free. If so, you probably have some questions or concerns regarding debt settlement, and who can...