How do you feel when your bills arrive each month? Do you get that dreaded feeling where it feels like your heart is sitting in your throat, or do you see that you owe little of no money on your bills? Sound like a dream? Its not!
Let me explain in more detail. After reading a book many years ago from an author called John Burley, he referred to a program called Debt Termination Plan. In simple terms, this plan took a look at all your outgoing expenses, and looked at the minimum amount required to pay each month and divided by the debt for each of those items. This would then produce a ratio and give you the order in which to pay off those debts, and if performed correctly, it meant you could eliminate your debt in seven years or less!
One of the problems that we come across on a regular basis with our prospective home buyers, is that they do earn enough money to afford to pay off their own home, but they have not got the right formula to eliminate their debt in a way that makes them feel they are making steady progress. To address this problem, we came up with a more automated way of processing a Debt Termination Plan that was interactive with our clients. At the...