Golf is replete with myths. Covering everything from driving to course management, these myths are passed down from father to son, some in the form of golf tips on swing mechanics, others in the form of wise advice on how to do things. Unfortunately, many of these myths are just plain wrong.
Below are three popular myths I like to debunk in my golf lessons and golf tips. One or two of them may have an element of truth in them. The other may have no truth in it at all. Regardless, all of them embody ideas that can elevate scores and boost golf handicaps.
1.Aim at the Target
Weve all heard this statement before. Maybe even said it. The statement isnt so much mythic as it is confusing. The question is, aim what at the target? Your clubface? Your shoulders? Your body? The statement doesnt really say.
The problem with this myth is that it can cause people to misalign themselves in one of two ways, hurting his or her golf handicap.
aiming the feet, hips, knees, and shoulders directly at the target, leaving the clubface following a line well right of the target; or,
aiming to compensate for ballflight errors, like when you aim left to...