Decorating xmas trees with cookies and candy is a great way to give your tree that personal touch. It is creative and the results can be astounding in terms of their creative impact. Decorating an artificial tree with baked goods is one way to make it look more homey and real. A slim christmas tree really looks great with decorations made out of slim wrapped candies. The snowy color of shortbread confections also plays off nicely against any color of tree including the artificial white christmas tree.
Decorating xmas trees with food goes back to the times before Christ was born. Offerings of food were often placed along sills and windows to feed the good spirits and protect from the evil ones. The first christmas trees were in fact imitations of the pyramid shape of real conifers. The custom of placing pickles and other foods on the steps of cedar pyramids of wood that were hand constructed was very common in Germany before the 16th century. It wasn’t until Martin Luther came along and presented the upright tree that was brought indoors and lit with candles that we became familiar with the Christmas tree that we know today.
Using food as adornments on...