Congratulations on becoming a business owner. Whether it is your first business or your seventh business it is an exciting time. When you begin a new business, you are filled with ideas beyond your wildest imagination and often cannot even sleep at night for all of the thoughts swirling in your head. You are thinking of ways to market your business, advertise and even ways to get clients. The momentum is unbelievable because you would almost bet money that you are running on sheer adrenalin.
This is one of those times as a business owner; you do not care if you get sleep due to your level of motivation. The key is to keep up the excitement and momentum for your business. It is not necessarily easy to run a business; however you have taken on the challenge and dream of owning your own business.
As a business owner, I am sure one of the things you have thought about are operating expenses. What is it going to costs you to run your business for six months, a year and even two or three years? This is one of those areas that business owners generally think of in addition to start-up costs. I applaud you for thinking these areas through.
What you might not have...