Imagine walking home late at night when suddenly a group of people come out of nowhere and begin to surround you. The individual can cry out for help in the hopes that the locals will offer assistance or just give the money and hope that the hoodlums will leave after that.
But what if these people want more just than the money in the bag? The use of pepper spray or mace can probably knock two of the individuals out but something better is needed for proper defense. A good example is learning a martial art and if the person does not want to inflict that much damage, then aikido is the way to go.
What is aikido? This is a Japanese martial art just like Judo or Karate that uses primarily the arms to block offensive moves and then redirect it back with the same force to the opponent.
It is like catching a ball with one hand and then returning it back to another player. The moves are very fast which will surely amaze anyone who has seen one of Steven Segals action movies.
Aikido unlike other martial arts has been around since the 1930s. As more students learned from the man who invented it, a number of dojos both in Japan and in other parts of the...