Deforestation In Africa: Poverty Related?

| Total Words: 613

Africa has been well known for its cosmic lands rich with sunlight, vegetation and the wild. Like other jungles, it is a home to millions of celebrated species. It has also become one of the greatest advertised tourist hot spots; and people came from all over the world for the mere purpose of Safari adventure.

If such lands are as abundant in resources as they say, why is it facing extinction? Why does deforestation in Africa continue to rise and take almost 5 million hectares annually, and why hasn’t it stopped for the past ten years considering the green movement’s focus on the matter?

Like many rich forests scattered all over the Earth, the population in Africa is among the poorest of all groups. Almost all diseases hover in their lands, and food is scarcely provided for the people. If it is still not known to you, millions of communities perish every year due to malnutrition; and about half of the statistics reveal that the critically distressed and affected nation is Africa.

Poverty And Deforestation

Millions of people in all parts of Africa suffer from poverty, and the problem hasn’t been addressed to for many years now....

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