Over the course of human history, men often found it easy to destroy forests. Settlers of different tribes and races habitually burned trees down to have terrain to plant crops with, and some even smoldered forests to build up grasslands full of hefty game animals. Through the corridors of time, men were found out to be the very leaders of almost all scopes of evils here on earth, and one of the greatest troubles which impose a great threat to world’s survival is the deforestation problems.
Deforestation entails a variety of problems both to man and nature. Some of them are very crucial that the root of the problem should immediately be cut. Some however come to pass without leaving much damage and mark on the Earth. But no matter how big or small the tribulation may be, it must be faced with total responsibility and accountability of man’s actions.
Deforestation became a major global menace since the turn of the 19th century. Scientists and environmentalists alike envisioned what the world could be like if depleted and deprived of these forests. We might just wakeup one day and find out that we are living in a God-forsaken world. Although such...