Depression is a condition which affects about 15% of the population. Women are more likely to be affected than men.
It is quite common for people who have been diagnosed as having Coeliac Disease to find themselves feeling depressed and anxious. For many there is a link between food and a sense of control over their lives. Celiacs are faced with something over which they feel no control.
A diagnosis of celiac disease, the restriction the new diet places upon you, and a sense of isolation created because you feel you are not able to join in with everyone else can bring on symptoms of depression.
You Are What You Eat
Poor absorption of vitamins and minerals can make the celiac sufferer feel unwell, feeling depressed can be a side effect of not having the correct balance of foods which affect your mood and have a significant impact on how you are feeling emotionally. For some of you simply sticking to a strict gluten-free diet will be enough.
Find A Helping Hand
For others outside help in the form of councelling and psychological support can be very helpful.
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Taking control of your life,...