Clear Skin Remedies
Maybe the first question you asked yourself after the doctor diagnosed your condition was, “Why me ? Why do I have to suffer the redness and irritation of dermatitis ? Why do I have to suffer the itching and dryness of eczema ?”Your doctor is perhaps best qualified to answer that question, difficult as it can be, but it may help to know that you’re not alone. Millions of other people suffer from some form of dermatitus every year.
The following tips are designed to help those with diagnosed conditions of eczema or dermatitis control the itching and dryness that accompany these afflictions :-
Beware Of Dry Air
Dermatitis is aggravated by dehumidified air, especially during winter months when forced-air heat circulates in the home. Since dry air tends to aggravate the itching of eczema or dermatitis, keeping indoor air moist should be a primary concern of sufferers and their families. You can counter dry air with a good humidifier, but you really need a big unit to do any good. If you sleep next to it however, that’s ok. Put it next to your bed.
Like It Lukewarm.
While some experts feel...